Saturday, September 21, 2013

Assignment A-3

Building on Society by Andres Lepik

This Reading was very interesting, it talks about how architecture is a powerful instrument and how an experienced architect make a big impact on the society. "According to the United Nations, roughly one billion of the world's population of some 6.75 billion people live in extreme poverty, with an income of less than $150 per and limited access to clean water, education, and health care." In this reading they also talk about how mother nature destroyed villages and homes of people in various location around the globe, also the lack of education from which many people were living in poor construction buildings, and homes. Something I really loved in this reading was the topic on the materiality. They really focused on sustainability using earthy material and using the local work force as labor to build a Eco friendly and environment safe building. Using these earthy material not only is good for the environment but also cost efficient and cheap for the client. By using these material we can make a housing community for the poor people around the world to give them a shelter to live under.

Another thing I was really impressed by was that the fact when they build project over any country they would bring in the community teach them, educate them on how to make the materials, by this they created more jobs and skilled many people. With that skill they can go other places and work at different projects. That's what I like how an architect makes a change in the society. On page (14) Creating Pieces of Social Identity, In the second paragraph towards the end "More than two hundred jobs were created during construction, and about seventy people are now employed by the museum in various positions. I love this because this shows how an idea originated by the architect has made this  society a better place.

Page 21 (Middle Line) "Open architecture network, a website that helps to bring architects, designers, engineers, nonprofit organizations, political representatives, and others together in order to collaborate on projects and share expertise." "These organizations largely respond directly to natural disasters and consequences of war, and other humanitarian emergencies, They must react quickly to specific situations, and in most cases the architects' responses are by necessity ad hoc design efforts.this work is extremely important and unfortunately, will likely be needed long into the future."
Page 21 (End of paragraph) "To increase the social relevance of architecture at the beginning of the twenty-first century, architects must no longer think of themselves simply as designers of buildings, but rather as moderators of change."

Successful Design Teams

All design teams are different. Every office is different in terms of how they work in teams, and collaborate. Every office has different sets of skill by the people working in them. Everyone acquire different skills. Every person is chosen carefully by determining there skills on different projects. " An individual team member can become distracted by a personal issue. it may be as a result of something that's happening in his or her private life, quite outside of work. this may lead to loser productivity, self-frustration, even quitting the team without completing assigned tasks.

What happens if the team leader or project manager has an issue going on outside of work and cant focus do they get replaced by someone else?

How many different skills are you looking for when you get a new project?

If the final project is built does everyone who worked on it gets to see the final building when its completed?

Are team member allowed to pick who they would like to work with or the team leader and project manager picks them?

1 comment:

  1. "According to the United Nations, roughly one billion of the world's population of some 6.75 billion people live in extreme poverty, with an income of less than $150 per and limited access to clean water, education, and health care."

    This quote brings about an amazing awareness to everyone reading it. It is striking to think so many human beings don't even have a clean glass of water to drink...It makes me appreciate more of my life and the things I have. It makes me work hard in order to improve my life to be able to help others.

    I hope one day I get the opportunity to help people in need. To read these types of articles made me realize how little I know of this planet - it makes me realize how ignorant I have been all this time - it motivates me to become a better person - to learn and better serve my community and beyond.
