Monday, September 23, 2013

Week 3

Building on Society – Andres Lepik

Architecture and Designers besides being hired to design conceptual “icons or object”, is a key tool to solving problems and ask questions on changing/remodeling any poor society. Within this reading, it points out how architecture in itself is a powerful tool. One example that it shows was how Anna Heringer, Diebedo Francis Kere and Hassan Fathy studied the materials that were available in these cities, then teaching their students and communities about design solutions in using them. I believe that as a designer we should help these poor communities and be “moderators of change.”

Successful Design Teams – Shel Perkins

“In the design profession, nearly all important projects are too large to be completed by just one person. Because of this, each creative firm strives to develop a culture that fosters effective teamwork.” In this reading, this quote stood out to me in defining that every office environment is different and that all office should work together as communities of skilled people to create a successful end goal. The reading shows an exploration of how a firm gets the right mixture of skillsets, to defining each person in the team’s personal role, and even how to face problems as a team. It’s interesting to me how the size of any team is determined by the “number of separate skill sets required for a project.”

Some of the quotes that I like from this reading…

“Design teams have fewer rules and greater flow of information…for rapid innovation.”
Projects benefit from creative tension but not personal conflict.”
”Fun is a powerful motivator. It puts things into new contexts and leads to fresh ideas”


1)      Are the skills you hold in the office/firm (big or small) a good reason on how one gets chosen for a project?
2)      How does work within the group get split up so that each team member has contributed a good amount of ideas?

3)      How would it work if the team members want to work on a skill that they have never faced or would like to learn about while on a project?  

1 comment:

  1. My favorite part about the Shel Perkins reading was when he described innovation. This is the biggest role architects take on and ultimately separates us from every other profession, because in design innovation always correlates with risk as designers its important to be willing to take these risks!
