In class last week, we heard from the Design Team what their answer to the Client's RFP was. As Jeff, Humza, and Jayne were explaining it, we moved into the hallway to better understand how the installation might work...which is when it dawned on us...wouldn't it be easier to understand and figure out how this thing would work if we built a mock-up? So, everyone went in different directions getting materials, and 20 minutes later, we started. An hour later, we had a full-scale mockup in place. We learned a lot about how to do it better the next time - constructionally and practically, but also theoretically - what are we trying to say with this thing?
Stay tuned...the 3rd floor hallway is about to be transformed...
Jeff explains the design team's concept; Yen [the client] listens intently... |
Humza, Jeff, and Jayne install the paper, while Ariella and Yen discuss next steps.... |
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