Monday, October 7, 2013

Community Perspective

How does Community Make decisions? When are they Leaders vs. Followers? What do they influence?

(In the United States) The community has the right to congregation. Decisions are made by social hierarchy in the form of collaboration with local government.  Town meetings are an opportunity for individuals to express ideas on current town issues in hope of resolution.  How this Information is spread, is through local news sources, such as newspapers or televised broadcasting, this ultimately notifies all members of the community in hopes of positive or negative affirmation against design proposals.

                                At the initial onset of a design concept the community individuals have the largest voice and power of a projects fate. Concepts can be rejected or accepted, altered and modified to accommodate the user and community needs as voiced. There does however come a deadline where the community expresses a final decision, this moment is where community then follows the project phase to verify the promises a project is required to deliver.

                                Leading up to the actual construction phase, collaboration with community members and designers can heavily influence large scale projects to improve the standard of living amongst a community. If the community influence, is to remain conservative and introverted then the design should reflect the community’s wishes. The designer should understand the voice of a community and design with the addressed needs rather than against.

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